Review of Conversion Optimization Minidegree Program (Pt. 8)

Ivan Iñiguez
4 min readNov 8, 2021


If you’ve heard of Google Analytics, you know it’s a very helpful (yet complex) software to use for businesses.

From basic tracking on live users and conversions to flows and funnel visualization, Google Analytics (GA) is an indispensable tool for any business.

But, how do you actually get the most out of this free tool?

GA has its own resources to help people solve any questions from basic setup to advanced settings (like setting up goals), so… why do you need other read another guide.

Well, not only it will be short (may take you 5 minutes to read the whole article), but here’s something you’ll hardly find in any other article out there.

This article is based on a CXL courses from the Minidegree Program… which happen that it’s taught by the top 1%.

Said in another way, you’re going to learn how to use GA as the best ones use it, directly from them.

So, let’s say you already know what GA is and how it works. Now what?

Well, hopefully this might give you more insights you can use to know better (and more) your customers… so you can make more money while helping them.

But it’s best to start saying this…

Chances are that the GA version you have and the one I’m going to talk about are not the same.

Yes, there are different versions of the GA. Right now, I’m going to be talking about the latest version available today… GA 4.

This version is where you get the modification of both mobile app and web, which makes it different than the Universal Analytics.

But, what exactly changed?

Well, the most remarkable features are:

  1. They rebuilt the basic measurement — you not only get page views, but also scrolls, site search, video engagement… and many more.
  2. Brand new UI — pretty self explanatory.
  3. New identity methods — now you can track users on different devices by implementing your own User ID.
  4. New realtime reports — not only it’s more interactive, but you can see customers’ regions as well.
  5. Improved debugging — with this feature, you can figure out where is an issue and how to fix it.
  6. New audience builder — if you know about marketing, then you know the importance of segmentation. Well, this will help you get better at it.
  7. New conversion tracking — you can now turn on any event you want, all in one simple dashboard to manage them.
  8. New funnel reports — track funnels across time, create open or closed funnels and easily see the “Next action” inside the funnel are some of the things you can do in here.
  9. New pathing reports — you can very simply see things like backwards pathing to understand where people are coming from.
  10. THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE… Free BigQuery Linking — This one was previously only available for Analytics360, but… now it’s free and for everyone. This gives you the chance to easily integrate all the raw data and import it or export it to what you need.

At this point, you might be thinking to chance from the current version you’re using to GA4 (in case you haven’t already).

But it’s important for you to consider something first.

As great as GA4 is going to be with all these features and the very promising things yet to come… right now is not ready.

Using it as a stand-alone web usage is not recommended for you… so if you want to use it, just make sure to dual-tag (just in case).

And you can be wondering how to use other tools like Google Tag Manager with this.

Well, it’s possible and you should use it.

Yet as I said before, make sure to dual-tag things.

From here, the rest of the course was very practical… and even when I can give you some tips on how to use it to maximize this powerful tool, I will rather give you my thoughts on this GA4 vs the Universal Analytics we most use.

(BTW, I say “we” as I also use GA to track all the data from my websites).

So chances are that you weren’t very familiar que GA4 until a couple of minutes ago.

And let’s face it.

Having all the advantages I laid out as marketers and optimizers is very exciting… being able to see so much more in one single place.

The question is… is it worth giving up what you’re doing right now and start using it?

The answer (as most things) it depends.

I’d say that you should definitely start getting familiar with GA4 regardless of how are you currently using GA (except you’re one of the few who is already using this latest version of GA).

Because even when GA4 it’s being under development, it will become the standard sooner or later.

Plus, you get all the insights you’re not getting right now.

So give it a shot and start small, but start. Implement GA4 into your current website(s) and start playing with it.

I bet the only regret you’ll have is not doing it sooner in your business.

…And that wraps up for today.

(I know, it was kinda short and very consice… but as I said, most of this week’s course was practical).

The good news is that next week, I’m going to be diving deep into User Personas and User Research (with a little bit of Google Tag Manager as well).

This is going to help you better know how to make smarter decisions, all while making frameworks to craft a great User Persona.

What would it do in your business the opportunity to know deeper an aspect of your audience you would have never thought before (even with all the research you’ve done)?

Well… that’s what next week topic will cover.

So you’re not gonna want to skip the next one.

Till then, enjoy your day.

Ivan I.



Ivan Iñiguez

A Direct Response marketer who happens to write copy. Emails, sales pages, Upsells, and VSLs.